In this interview with Melvin Landry, we discuss how he built a portfolio of over 60 single-family homes while working his W2 job. Melvin then discusses his experiences as an entrepreneur in a start-up business and how his real estate portfolio saved him during difficult financial times. Melvin still works his W2 job but has since pivoted from single-family to larger apartment complexes and self-storage. Melvin discusses the importance of diversifying your income sources during your working years.

Host Contact Details:

Brian O'Neill - Passive Capital Partners

For more tips and advise for business owners looking to invest outside the stock market and reduce their taxes, follow me on my social media channels:

Facebook: Brian.Oneill.Investor

Instagram: Brian_Oneill_Investor

Youtube: Harder Working Money

Linkedin: brian-oneill-pcp

Guest Contact Details:

Youtube - Get diversified Podcast


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